When using the COBRAGuard logo follow the guidelines provided below. By downloading or using any of the logos, you agree to adhere to our usage guidelines.
Select A COBRAGuard Logo Pack
Download Web Pack Web Resolution (72 DPI), JPEG + GIF + PNG, B/W + Color (RGB) |
Download Print Pack Print Resolution (300 DPI), JPEG + TIF, B/W + Color (CMYK) |
Guidelines for Conditional Use of the COBRAGuard Logo
- The logo may not be used in any manner that might imply that any non-COBRAGuard materials, including but not limited to goods, services, websites, or publications are sponsored, endorsed, licensed by, or affiliated with COBRAGuard prior to getting exclusive permission from COBRAGuard.
- You may not alter the logo in any manner, including size, proportions, colors or design. You may not animate, morph or otherwise distort its perspective or appearance.
- The logo may not be used in a manner that would disparage COBRAGuard or its products or services.
- To properly stage the logo, a minimum clearance between the logo and other elements must be maintained. The cap height of the C in the logo indicates the measurement of minimum clearance between the logo and other elements on all sides of the logo.
- The logo must always be at least 150 pixels in width.
- The logo must only appear in a horizontal position.
- The logo must always be accompanied by the registered trademark symbol (®).
- The logo must stand alone and may not be combined with any other object, including but not limited to other logos, words, graphics, photos, slogans, numbers, design features or symbols. The logo must never be used to represent the word "COBRAGuard" in text, including in a headline, product-name logotype or body copy.
- Non-COBRAGuard materials should not mimic any COBRAGuard advertising, product packaging or website design.