COBRA Administration Articles
The Public Entity Crisis - How to Deliver COBRA Help
Some might believe that a situation like this makes for bad prospecting conditions. After all, who wants to call an account with budget problems? You do, that's who. In fact, I believe prospects with big problems present ideal sales opportunities for those with solutions. Just think – they need a HERO (a Helpful Energetic Results Obtainer) – the opposite of a vendor. If you've been in sales for any time at all, you know that prospects with hot buttons and pain points listen a lot better than those in "life is good" mode. This is especially true if you have a valuable, cost-saving solution to share.
If you're a producer who would like to break into the public entity market, now is the perfect time. Status quo no longer works and public entities are looking for ways to save money and time as never before. According to, there are more than 90,000 U.S. local and state governments, so your opportunity is enormous.
If you're selling health insurance, present a plan that's sensitive to labor and budget challenges, and make sure to address continuation as it relates to COBRA administration and retiree plans. The law is complex to administer, and failure to comply with regulations can give rise to costly fines and litigation. With declining staff and growing workloads, COBRA is a huge administration burden. Did you know the average employer with 100 participants spends 400 hours a month on COBRA administration? That labor can be cut to one quarter of the time with the right administrator and great COBRA administration advice. For a public entity trying to achieve more with less money, these numbers offer welcome relief.
In addition, many municipalities are offering early retirement incentives as part of their budget coping strategy. Some of these retirees are still in their 50s and are not eligible for Medicare for several years. Many of them will move on to other employment, but their new benefit plans may not be as rich as the ones they left. Also, their retiree plans may not be as good as the employee plans. COBRA can provide an important benefits bridge in these situations.
By speaking to public entities about COBRA, you can differentiate your offering and stand above the competition. You can be the HERO we mentioned earlier. Here are a few points to keep in mind when speaking with public entity prospects:
Encourage them to keep a sharp eye on workplace wellness. With so much added stress, safety and wellness are more important than ever.
Recognize that public entities are equally concerned about the welfare of COBRA participants and retirees, so offer a convenient one-stop solution with quality, efficient management of both groups.
Offer a health and/or COBRA administration solution that includes IT support for an impressive value add. This audience is starved for IT support and faces big demands in the areas of data feeds and reporting.
Provide dedicated account support from the insurance carrier and the COBRA administrator. Personalized service is of utmost importance.
Sell expertise. This is a unique niche and therefore many agents don't go after these accounts. This means less competition, but also more pressure. If public entities are new to you, make sure you have insurance carrier and COBRA administration partners with experience and success in the public entity market.
I think the same is true here. We don't have to give away our services, but we should do our best to provide affordable solutions, especially to those who face adversity. By doing so, we can forge lasting, loyal relationships. If you remember others when times are bad, they'll remember you when times are good.
Robert Meyers has more than 20 years of experience in business management and COBRA. He is the founder and president of Kansas-based COBRA administrator COBRAGuard. For questions or more information, please visit or email Robert at
About COBRAGuard Inc. COBRAGuard Inc. is a certified COBRA administrator (CCA), helping employers control risks and liabilities, prevent adverse claims, and save time and money. The company serves more than 3,000 organizations nationwide and it stands behind its services with a 100 percent compliance guarantee. For more information, visit the company's website at
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